Discussion about social centre

2010-06-19_barcelona_okupa_132[Lietuvišką tekstą rasit apačioje]

On Wednesday evening at “Antras Aukštas” Pizzeria 7pm there will be a discussion about opening a social centre. Everyone who feel interested in being involved opening a socially and politically active space are welcome.

Before jumping into practicalities about where to find a place and how to get it, first of all we want to address some questions that are coming from experience of having infoshop, occupations against new labor code, and critique of squatting.

To begin, the question would be: what the social centre is for?

Having a space means more possibilities to spread anti-authoritarian ideas and to have a space where to organise. However, if it is only about anti-authoritarian books and zines, political discussions and film screenings, the space tends to create only a “radical” identity for its’ own well being, not overlapping with material struggles and not creating bonds with community around. Usually, the space dies out as it stays only on few people need to sustain this identity and people with the same identity attending the events. Or in the worst case scenario, it can can lead to gentrification of neighborhood by attracting liberal “cultural milieu” (hipsters) to peripheral districts and making it “exiting”, “undiscovered” and “unique”. Depending on where you are, this can create even more separation and conflict with community around.

It doesn’t mean dismissing cultural events, parties, discussions or film screenings as wrong (even hipster might be not a lost cause). The problem is how to set up a space for organising which is not based on identity as “anarchist”, “active youth”, you name it.

It might be helpful to look at examples of social centres or squats like Rog (working with “erased” people in Slovenia), Rozbrat (a space where Syndicalist Union is based, Poznan), or Syrena (Warsaw, the building  was occupied after a housing activist was killed). Also, GPB occupation might be a good example. In some way, it succeed into involving people from different backgrounds and creating bonds based not on identities. The aim of the occupation, time and materialities were limited, but it could be a good entry point for discussion about our context.

And last, we recommend to read a short critique of squatted social centres for the discusssion. For those who haven’t been involved in squatting, maybe it would resonate a bit with experience from occupation. As this is the only material for discussion, it is quiet important that everybody reads it. Following it, we will discuss different option for acquiring a space, its’ minuses and benefits.

So, in the end, the aim of discussion is to come up with an idea of what kind of space we want to create and with we come with agreement, think about next steps.


Trečiadienio vakarą Picerijoje “antras aukštas” 7h. vyks diskusija apie naujo socialinio centro atidarymą. Visi, kas būtų susidomėję ir nori įsitraukti į politiškai ir socialiai aktyvios vietos kūrimą, yra laukiami.

Prieš šokant į praktikinius klausimus, norim pirmiausia iškelti keletą klausimų kurie kyla iš infoshopo, okupacijų ir skvotinimo patirties. Pradedant nuo klausimo: kam yra skirtas socialinis centras?

Erdvė duoda daugiau galimybių skleisti anti-autoritarines idėjas ir taip pat lengviau organizuotis. Bet jei tai reiškia tik zinus ir knygas, politines diskusijas ir filmų peržiūras, erdvė dažnai sukuria tik “radikalų” identitą, bet nėra susieta materialiais saitais su aplinkine bendruomene ar pasipriešinimu prieš išnaudojimą darbe, kovojimu už apgyvendinimą ir pan. Dažniausiai tokia erdvė lieka lankoma siauro rato žmonių, turinčių panašų identitetą. Arba dar blogiau, tai gali vesti į rajono gentrifikaciją, kultūringais renginiais pritraukiant “centro publiką” ir taip paverčiant vietą nauja “egzotine” atrakcija. Tai gali vesti netgi į konfilktą su vietine bendruomene (priklausomai, žinoma, koks tai rajonas).

Tai nereiškia kultūrinių renginių, vakarėlių atsisakymą. Klausimas yra kaip kurti erdvę organizavimuisi, kuris nebūtų grįsta vien identitu kaip “anarchistai”, “aktyvus jaunimas” ar bet kas kita.

Šioje situacijoje gali padėti kiti socialinių centrų ar skvotų pavyzdžiai: Rog (dirba su “ištrintais žmonėmis Slovėnijoje”), Rozbrat (skvotas Poznanėje, kuriame įsikūrusi syndikalistinė profsąjunga), ar Syrena (skvotas Varšuje, užimtas po aktyvistės pasisakiusios prieš žmonių iškeldinimą iš namų nužudymo).

Galiausiai, siūlom paskaityti trumpą kritiką skvotintiems socialiniams centras, kaip dar vieną aspektą šioje diskusijoje. Tiem kas nėra susidūrę su skvotinimu, galbūt šis tekstas šiek tiek rezonuos su GPB okupacijomis. Taip pat, tai yra vienintelė medžiaga diskusijai, tai svarbu, kad daugelis būtų susipažinę su juo. Sekant šį tekstą, pakalbėsim apie skirtingus būdus įkurti erdvę.

Taigi, galiausiai diskusijos tikslas yra suformuoti erdvės viziją ir jei tai pavyks, pašnekėti apie kitus žingsnius.

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Infoshop closing party on September 26th


Kaunas infoshop is closing. There are plans to move to other space, but for now we invite you to a closing party on Monday, 7pm. Write us an email to get location.

This page will continue to function as a news page for social and political events and hopefully, soon we will have another spot!

See ya soon!

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“Fenix Did Not Rise From the Ashes”: meeting with Czech ABC / “Feniksas negimė iš pelenų”: susitikimas su Čekijos AJK

fenixmazas[lietuviškai – žemiau]
all the info: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/

People from Czech ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) are touring Europe with their talk on the last 15 months of police persecution: the infamous operation Fenix swept Czech Republic, leaving several people on the radical left imprisoned with no good proof of any incriminating action. Here is what they want to talk about:

“For over 15 months the anarchists and others from so called Czech Republic have been facing the biggest police crackdown in recent years.

The operation Fenix isn’t only the wave of repression. For the first time we facing police entrapment, provocation, fabricated plots, and historically first “serious” accusation of terrorism. Why is all of that happening right now? Is the repression really responsibility of the most militant part of the movement and does it help if we step back, or is there any other lance and way to deal with the authoritarian power of the state?

Come and join an ABC reflection of one and a half year of accelerating repression and our reaction. Let’s talk about our protection and share some experiences of how to prevent falling into the trap. Now when the first court hearings are happening it is especially important to see what kinds of solidarity actions we can provide to empower ourselves and keep our community strong instead of getting paranoid and paralysed.”

The event will happen at pizza and falafel place “Antras Aukštas”, Prancūzų g. 40, on September 27th, Tuesday, 18:00

daugiau informacijos https://antifenix.noblogs.org/

Žmonės iš Čekijos AJK (Anarchistų juodojo kryžiaus) keliauja po Europą pasakodami apie paskutinius 15 mėnesių teisinio persekiojimo: per Čekiją praūžusi operacija “Feniksas” pasibaigė kelių žmonių įkalinimu be jokio aiškaus pagrindo. Štai kaip jie pristato savo kalbą:

“Jau ilgiau nei 15 mėnesių anarchistai ir kiti vadinamosios Čekijos Respublikos gyventojai susiduria su vienu didžiausių policijos vykdomų persekiojimų šalies istorijoje. “Feniksas” nėra vien represijų banga. Pirmąkart susiduriame su provokacijomis, išgalvotais scenarijais ir “rimtais” kaltinimais terorizmu. Kodėl visa tai vyksta būtent dabar? Ar už represiją tikrai atsakingi radikaliausi judėjimo narės, ar laikytis nuošalyje yra geras kovos būdas, o gal yra kitų kelių priešintis autoritariškai valstybės galiai?

Kviečiame sudalyvauti AJK pasakojime-diskusijoje apie pusantrų metų trukusias represijas ir mūsų reakciją į jas. Pakalbėkim apie saugumą ir pasidalinkime patirtimi, kaip nepakliūti į panašius spąstus. Dabar, kai teismo posėdžiai jau įsibėgėjo, itin svarbu klausti ir suprasti, kokiomis solidarumo akcijomis galime įgalinti save ir savo bendruomenes, kad netaptume paralyžiuotais paranojikėmis.”

Susitikimas vyks picerijoje-falafelinėje “Antras Aukštas”, Prancūzų g. 40, rugsėjo 27 d., antradienį, 18 val.

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Giz Medium @ Kauko Baseinas

Antradienį 7val vakaro Kauko baseine:13177291_1395675540458223_5852250439589889375_n

≠Giz Medium , akustinis pankrokas iš marselio≠
≠Giz Medium, acoustic punk songs from marseille≠
≠Гиз Медюм, акустичние панк песни из марселя≠

Vienas turuojantis po Europą Giz Medium dalį turo apsijungs jėgom su Captain Chaos ir porą pasirodymų pagrosiantis kartu su panašių kalibrų grupėmis iš Suomijos: Lifelong Hangover, Slackbird , bei pirma infoshop’e grojusia Efa Supertramp iš Velso!

Daugiau apie turą čia:
Болше о туре здесь:

naujas jo albumas/ новый его албом/ new album : https://busstoppress.bandcamp.com/album/are-we-there-yet

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Valstybės represijų banga Lenkijoje – Varšuvoje sulaikyti trys žmonės, kaltinami “bandymu sudeginti policijos mašiną”.

On the night of May 23rd, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle. The three were transferred to a remand prison where they are to be held in custody for three months, awaiting trial. They face up to 8 years in prison. Media frenzy broke out over the arrest in the past few days, with high-ranking politicians and experts on terrorism discussing the matter on TV. Photos and video reruns of the arrested walking with chains around their feet and hands are broadcast on public transportation. The text below is a translation of the statement that was sent out by various groups from the anarchist and wider social justice community in Poland, in response to these arrests.

Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists in Warsaw

The mass media in Poland are releasing increasingly more absurd, one-sided reports about the arrest of three anarchists on Monday, May 23rd. We interpret this as an attempt to intimidate and criminalize social justice movements in Poland.

As we write, Polish authorities are pushing for the so-called “Counter-Terrorism Act” to enter into force by June 1st of this year. It is no coincidence that as we approach this date, the media and politicians are desperately searching to construct a reality in which this new law will seem absolutely necessary. Yet the step-by-step analyses of the police operation that neutralized the alleged arson attempt of a police car on the night of May 23rd stand in stark contrast to the media’s silence around other recent events, which challenge the image of “police heroes”. Just a few days before, the police in Wroclaw murdered Igor S., an unarmed man. Igor was beaten to death while in custody at the police station. In this case, righteous indignation on the part of politicians, media, police or terrorism experts is hard to find. Journalists prefer to safely turn their critical gaze in another direction when it comes to police brutality. But police killings are only the tip of the iceberg: extortion, beatings and the unlawful protection of the interests of the powerful are daily bread in Poland. Every year, among 16,000 complaints filed against the police only 5 percent is taken into consideration, while the rest is simply ignored. Due to media bias and omissions, the police have little fear of repercussions. It is safe to say that people are officially discouraged from filing complaints since they bring no effect. The truth is that only loud protests and upheavals have the power to prevent police violence from being quietly swept under the carpet. We must bear this in mind, as the media will not miss the opportunity to pave the way towards the greater expansion of police authority and to further reduce public control over the activities of these bodies of repression.

Today, the panic over an alleged, failed attempt to burn down a police car fabricates the consent necessary in order to pass a severe law that will allow for uncontrolled surveillance, a database of potential terrorism suspects, shoot-to-kill policies, martial law, the delimited right to public protest, and the profiling of migrants, Muslims in particular. This is legislation that will allow for unlimited police violence against all people. Today, irresponsible journalists use sensationalism associated with “terror” in an attempt to persuade those not yet convinced: even official political trends in Poland express doubts about the new “anti-terrorist” law.

The anarchist movement in Poland is active within groups of workers and tenants, in the environmental and anti-racism struggles, as well as in the fight against land-grabbing. It works without compromise towards social justice and against the oppression of business and political elites. The lack of public control over the police force has led to a tacit approval of uncontrolled brutality, on the part of police, against people opposed to systemic violence in various fields. More broadly, the atmosphere of a witch-hunt of the entire anarchist movement serves to build consent for the repression and surveillance of communities that challenge the most influential interest groups in this country.

Today, amidst the media reconstructions of the alleged arson attempt, the psychological profiles of the would-be arsonists and the press conferences, it is with great anger that we recall the lack of a similar reaction to the repressions of people fighting for our causes. When the tenant activist Jolanta Brzeska, who lived 50 meters from a police station, was repeatedly harassed and eventually assassinated in March 2011, we could not count on similar outrage from the political elite. There were no TV debates, expert opinions, or step-by-step accounts of how she was kidnapped and burned alive, like a witch. There were no psychological profiles made of the real-estate developer who harassed her; there were never even any murder suspects. Indeed, whenever attacks are made on social justice fighters, public opinion does not pay them any attention.

In contrast, a media storm explodes around an arson, which in fact, did not take place. The arrested anarchists are being referred to as “terrorists”. This serves to enforce social acceptance of using physical and psychological violence against them now, while they are in custody. Their current state of health and physical appearance already testify to the fact that they are being tortured, with impunity.

To our friends and comrades: resist the panic spread by police and the media. The good authority, concerned with our safety, is merely an illusion. Ask: who benefits from this sort of writing of history? Does such a manipulative narration leave any reason to believe in a fair trial?
We will not be intimidated, nor will we cease our struggles for social justice; in spite of what is increasingly becoming a full-fledged police state.

To the media: until you have the courage to condemn many years of police violence, sustained by an excess of privileges and the entire state apparatus, your judgment of the imprisoned anarchists and your campaign against the whole anarchist movement will only ever serve to reveal your well-funded bias. There is no- and there never will be any- authority, business or church behind this movement. Our history is made of a thousand social struggles, about which many of you are too afraid to speak. Our history will survive any repression.

We stand in solidarity with the arrested and we call on all people to do the same.

Enough of a state founded on fear and police violence!

Kolektyw Syrena (The Syrena Collective)
Warszawskie Stowarzyszenie Lokatorów (The Warsaw Tenants’ Association)
Kolektyw Przychodnia (The Przychodnia Collective)
Ruch Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (The Social Justice Group)
Kancelaria Sprawiedliwości Społecznej (The Social Justice Office)
Warszawska Federacja Anarchistyczna (The Warsaw Anarchist Federation)
Jedzenie Zamiast Bomb – sekcja Warszawa (Food Not Boms – Warsaw section)
Antyfaszystowska Warszawa (Antifascist Warsaw)
ROD Kolektyw (The Radical Allotment Gardens Collective)

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Oslas, gegužės 7: protestas prieš seniausio skvoto Skandinavijoje iškraustymą / Oslo, May 7: protest against eviction of the oldest squat in Scandinavia

FLyer 40[LT]

Jei kartais gegužės 7 d. būtumėte Osle – prisijunkite prie protesto prieš seniausio veikiančio skvoto Skandinavijoje iškraustymą! Pakvieskite ir draugus emigrantus 🙂

“Vestbredden būsto ir darbo kolektyvas” susikūrė 1999 m., reaguodamas į antisocialią Oslo miesto planavimo politiką. 2014 m. Oslo savivaldybė pradėjo pardavinėti Vestbredden Vel Vel pastatą, potencialūs dabartiniai pirkėjai – “Urbanium A/S”, vadovaujamas tūlo Espen Pay.

Nors pardavimo sutartis jau pasirašyta, jai turi pritarti savivaldybės taryba. Prieš 2015 m. rinkimus socialdemokratai ir žalieji, laikantys daugumą Oslo savivaldybės taryboje, pažadėjo, kad Vestbredden kolektyvui bus suteikta galimybė imti nuomotis pastatą. Kaip ir galima tikėtis, pažadai liko neištesėti.

Vestbredden skvotui-socialiniam centrui kyla rimtas pavojus. Balsavimai dėl jo likimo vyks Oslo savivaldybėje gegužės 11 arba birželio 15 d. Ta proga prie Oslo rotušės gegužės 7 d., organizuojamas protestas-tūsas su muzikantais, DJais, šokiais ir maistu.

Vestbredden kolektyvas sako: “Reikalaujame, kad, vystant mūsų miestą, būtų atsižvelgta ir į mūsų nuomonę – atsisakome perduoti visą galią į nekilnojamojo turto spekuliantų rankas!”

Jei negalėsite būti Osle – sekite naujienas www.vestbredden.net arba parašykite palaikymo laišką į postbox@@@vestbredden.net Daugiau info (angliškai): https://en.squat.net/2016/04/21/oslo-vestbredden-vel-vel-one-of-the-scandinavians-oldest-existing-squat-under-threat-of-eviction/


If you by chance happen to be in Oslo on May 7, take part in a protest party against the eviction of the oldest working squat in Scandinavia! Or invite your emigree friends 🙂

Vestbredden Housing and Working Collective was established in 1999, as a reaction to the anti-social housing politics by the Oslo municipality. Vestbredden Vel Vel was in 2014 put out for sale by the city of Oslo and the potential buyer is known to be Urbanium A/S with Espen Pay as CEO.

Even though the sales contract is already signed, the municipality has to vote on this issue. The newly-elected “Red-Green” City government promised before the election of 2015 that Vestbredden Vel Vel would get a formal rent contract. The promises of politicians, as one can expect, went unfulfilled.

Vestbredden squat-social centre is now in threat of eviction. The vote in city hall to decide its fate will happen in the municipality on either May 11 or June 15. To mark this festive occasion, a protest/people’s party is organised by the Oslo city hall on May 7, with live music, DJs, vegan food etc.

Vestbredden collective says: “We demand to have a voice in the development of our own city – and we refuse to let all the power continue to be in the hands of the speculants!”

If you can’t be in Oslo on that day, follow the news at www.vestbredden.net or write a support letter to postbox@@@vestbredden.net More info: https://en.squat.net/2016/04/21/oslo-vestbredden-vel-vel-one-of-the-scandinavians-oldest-existing-squat-under-threat-of-eviction/

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Protestai in augantis socialinis judėjimas Prancūzijoje / Protests and growing social movement in France


Penktadienį, 19val. / Friday, 7pm

Tik ką grįžus iš Prancūzijos, Noah papasakos apie vykstančius protestus, miesto aikščių okupacijas ir besivystantį naują socialinį judėjimą kilusį iš pasipriešinimo planuojamam naujam darbo kodeksui.

[EN] Noah recently visited France and will give a briefing about continuing protests , occupations and development of a new social movement which were sparked by government plans to introduce new labor codex.


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Filmas “Omar” / Film screening “Omar”

filmomarŠį antradienį infošope žiūrėsim “lengvai holivudinę” Hany Abu-Assad dramą/trilerį apie Palestiną “Omar” (2013). Filme susipina jaunuoliška meilės istorija, teroristinė veikla ir distopiška Gazos ruožo kasdienybė.

Pradžia 19:30

[EN] This Tuesday 1we will watch “lightly hollywoodish” movie by Hany Abu-Assad drama/thriller about Palestine “Omar” 2013. A love story, teroristic action  and distopian reality of Gaza’s Strip intertwines in the movie.

Starts at 19:30


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Anarchizmas Čilėje / Anarchism in Chile


Kitą sekmadienį, 24 dieną, 18h, susitinkam Infokrautuvėj su čiliškiais !

Šiandien anarchistinės idėjos Čilėje randamos įvairiose socialinėse kovose. Net anarchistais savęs nevadinantys žmonės perima anarchistinio pobudžio praktikas ir tikslus. Istoriškai anarchizmas Čilėje atsirado XIX amžiuje nešdamas absoliučios laisvės idėjas per visas visuomenės sritis.

Susitikimo metu svečiai apžvelgs anarchizmo praeitį ir dabartį Čilėje, jo įvairovę ir konfliktus, taip pat feministinius ir čiabuvių judėjimus.


Next Thursday, 24th, 6pm, lets meet our guests from Chile !

Today anarchists ideas in Chile are presented in different parts of social struggle. Even people not calling themselves anarchists are adopting the practices and struggle for goals clearly anarchist’s ones. Historically anarchism was present in Chili since XIXth century bringing the ideas of absolute freedom through all this years to different parts of the society.

During the event we will make an overview of past and present of anarchism in Chile, its diversity and conflict, linked with feminist movements and indigenous struggles historically and nowadays.

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Komiksų Būrelis#1: darbo diena | Comix Workshop#1: Working Day


[LT] Infošope prasideda komiksų piešimo būreliai – pirmą kartą tinkamės šį ketvirtadienį 18val.

Pirmojo susitikimo tema: darbo diena. Pasak infokrautuvės vieno iš darbuotojų, “tai yra neišsemiama, aktuali tema, kuria galima save išreikšti ir pamatyti naujomis akimis mūsų bendraminčių ir draugų realybę. Mums reikia visiems daug mažiau dirbti. Mūsų darbo dienos būna visokios – įdomios, neįdomios, pilnos konfliktų ar gražių draugysčių. Galbūt darbe yra daug prieštaravimų, kuriuos norisi išreikšti vizualiai, tarsi išsikrauti ant popieriaus lapo.”

Jums bus suteiktas popieriaus lapas, piešimo priemonės, bet dėl viso pikto galit atsinešti ir savų priemonių, kad visiems tikrai užtektų.

[EN] Comix workshop is starting in infoshop. The first session is on Thursday at 18pm.

The first topic is “working day”. According to one of worker of infoshop, “this is inexhaustible, important topic, in which one can explore self and our friends realities of everydayness.  We need to work less. Our working days are simmilar and different – interesting, boring, full of conflicts or lovely friendships. Maybe work contains lots of contradictions, which you want to visualize on the paper.”

We will provide paper and working tools, but if you have some, bring with you that there won’t be a shortage.

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