whataweek: rhythms of resistance, alternatives to capitalist food service, acoustic punk gig!

tactical frivolityHave we got news for you (lietuviškai – kitam įraše)


Next week is going to be intense – don’t forget to visit Spiauda vol. 4 launch party on Saturday and support your teachers during their strike that starts on Monday. There will also be (at least) three events at Kaunas infoshop:

Monday (Feb 22, 19:00) Cinema “Inspired by Direct Action” : “Tactical Frivolity” – ~40 minute documentary on frivolity as means of protest and international “Rhythms of Resistance”. Must protests really be somber or official? What’s wrong with revolutionary joy?

Wednesday (Feb 23, 19:00) Noah’s presentation/discussion „What do we want? Food service: history, contemporary problems and future visions.“ (in English)

A presentation by a cook on the problems of capitalist food service and a proposal for a whatdowewantradical alternative.

In this presentation Noah will talk about several things.

  1. the problems of massified food service and production in capitalist world.
  2. the history of the restaurant and why it went from marginal industry 100years ago to fastest growing sector with the worst pay, now.
  3. the international fast food workers movement “fight for 15”, what there doing, what there not doing..
  4. historical examples of radical and reformist visions of alternatives to the capitalist food industry, for example; community kitchens, homes without private kitchens, communes, waged house work, etc and the consequences of these actions for the racial, gender, and class experience of working and consuming the industry today.
  5. an open discussion on approaches we, the cooks, waiters and service workers could take for organizing and direct action.

EFA2Finally, on Thursday (Feb 25, 20:00!!!), acoustic punk concert with Efa Supertramp from Wales. The most miniature punk gig in recent Lithuanian history, but there will be enough place for everyone and even for some mosh – if we feel like that. Free entrance (donations for vegan food and plane tickets more than welcome). Punky-cozy.

Have we not bitten off more than we can chew? Natürlich. But we’ll manage. See you @ infokrautuvė!

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